
A website is utilized for reserving movie tickets, while a desktop application is employed for booking tickets directly at the counter

Built with

  • Front end: ReactJS, Bootstrap
  • Back end: Spring Boot, MyBatis
  • Application: Java Swing
  • Database: PostgreSQL


Github link to refer to source code

Front end: https://github.com/khangho23/Cinema_FE

Back end: https://github.com/khangho23/Cinema_BE

Desktop application: https://github.com/khangho23/Cinema_App



  • JDK (Java Development Kit) 8 or higher
  • Maven
  • Node.js and npm (installed together with Node.js)

Step 1: Installing PostgreSQL

Download and Install PostgreSQL: Visit the PostgreSQL official website to download and install PostgreSQL for your operating system

Click on the link to download the database file

Step 2: Installing Spring Boot

Open the project and run Spring Boot App

Step 3: Installing ReactJS

npm install
npm start

Step 4: Accessing the Application

Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to view your application in action.

Step 5: Installing Java Swing (Desktop application)

Open the project and run main class